Monday, October 11, 2004

Friendship Woes/Foes..Whatever!!!!

This is a terrible day… just so terribleeeeee!!! I feel so depressed I’m on the verge of tears. I just need some comfort, some warmth and some TRUE friends around.( Yeah I sound pathetically clichéd) Not peripheral ones who are more of a bane to your existence than any solace. Those who actually sincerely care, rather than being such self-centered, self-righteous, “ I never ever do anything wrong” kinda self-absorbed cockroaches.

I regret so many decisions, (talking of which I’m sure we all have a thousand regrets in our life right) but mostly I regret beleiveing that ‘friendship’ ( for the lack of a better word) could make everything else less tedious or cumbersome. BIG MISTAKE!!!!! Friendship is not = similar thinking/working styles. Some people can think so highly of themselves it sucks, they have such crappy excuses for just about anything in the world. “I cant do this … cos my freaking dog ate my ability to reason.” , “ I cant say that to him…cos I left my brain in the toilet” Gees whatever.

Alright I know I am not exactly the most sensible person on the planet right now.. I’m freezing in this goddamn air-con lab and my mood’s just taken a 180 degree swerve for the worst. Arghhh ..Such A Piece of shit! So what if they are the brainiest organisms on the planet. Be a nuclear waste scientist or a psycho doctor or a whatever, who cares? When all you essentially are, is a goddamn opportunist out on a free ride and chances for shopping sprees, F*uck you and the stupid attitude of yours.

I’ve tolerated enough of this ego-centric shit and this acting like you are in control, its high time I stopped putting up with all this shit and just put you in your rightful place.

Ok enough! Damn I sound like one angsty bitch, which I probably am at this moment, given that some twit has the God-given talent to turn my otherwise pleasant day into a real emotional mess.

Oh btw I do realize Karen is about the only person that reads my blog….so my dear karennnnnnnnn dun mind my crappiness, cos I’m just terribly disappointed with an idiot and pls do not in the least even speculate that it could be you, cos given your goondu tendencies I know you might conjure up something as bizarrely nincompoopy as that in your lala brain.

Oh well I’m going to leave now, cos my stupid brain just realized it is not even worth wasting time and effort clicking away about such Idiotic specimens of nature. ! Sigh off to my freaking 5.30 pm class…


Anonymous said...

Hallo!!! I read your BLOG TOO!!!! GIVE ME SOME CREDIT OK! Grrrroooooooowwwwwwwwlllllll

Love, Zee

Anonymous said...

I read your blog as well babe..! I don't know what exactly is bothering you. Whatever it is i am hoping it's alright by now..Some TRUE friends are still around!Luv Gal!